Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Sunday Trumpet---5/28

Tera at Sweet Perdition likes scary movies, and has seen a lot of them that I've never even heard of.

So when I started to read her review of An American Haunting, I, a creep-fest with Donald Sutherland and Sissy Spacek!

Aside from the movie Carrie, I don't think I remember Sissy being in other horror flicks after her Oscar win with Coal Miner's Daughter.

I'm a little surprised that she'd sign on to do horror again. And crappy horror at that.

As for Donald Sutherland, he's creeped the sh*t out of me since he played an old man diving face first under 14-year-old Diane Lane's skirt in The Oldest Living Confederate Widow. He could do a Jello commercial and he'd still skeeve me out.

Although I've always found the story of The Bell Witch interesting, I'm definitely going to cross this one off my viewing list.

Thanks, Tera!

Go over there and give her a shout!

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